
Dynamic3 is a library built on top of d3.js that makes it simple and easy to build powerful, dynamic, animated graphs that feature real-time data.

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Why Dynamic3?

Dynamic3 provides all the customization of d3.js without all the complexity.
Make your dynamic graph featuring real-time data in 60 seconds and go back to working on what matters to you instead of spending weeks wading through the nuances of d3.js.

Ever-changing Bar Graph

The ever-changing bar graph is a bar graph where the values of categories change over time reflected in the ever-changing lengths of the bars in the graphs.

It's useful for data where values change but the categories of those values always stay the same such as real-time basketball stats for different players in a specific game or the amount of votes for certain political candidates in an election.

This specific graph shows the value of the latest global Bitcoin transaction in various currencies.

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Circle Graph

The circle graph focuses on a single value that determines the diameter of the circle. For this specific graph, the value is the size of the latest global Bitcoin transaction.

<div id="circle"></div>
window.onload = function() {
    var graph = dynamic3.createGraph('Circle')
                        .setDomain([, ])
                        .setText(getLabel) //getLabel is a function
    function loop() {
        var newValue = getNextBitcoinTransaction();
        setTimeout(loop, 1000);

Sliding Bar Graph

The sliding bar graph is a bar graph where the categories of the graph change over time, while the values do not. This specific graph shows the latest global Bitcoin transactions.

<div id="expand-bar"></div>
<script>window.onload = function() {
    var slidingBar = dynamic3.createGraph('SlidingBarGraph')
                        .setDomain([0, 1])
    function loop() {
        var newValue = getNextBitcoinTransaction();
            {val: newValue, uid: Date.now()}
        setTimeout(loop, 1000);

Get Dynamic3

Simply add

<script src="http://d3js.org/d3.v3.min.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
<script src="path/to/dynamic3.js"></script>

to your HTML file for graph satisfaction.

Download Dynamic3